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She was good. I was in her second teaching class and apparently she has improved alot. She is intimidating at first, but that slowly wears off and in fact she's pretty down to earth and reasonable. The reading assignments, however are not reasonable. But, if you can hang with her you'll get more out of this class than all other first year classes.
AVOID LIEK THE PLAGUE. She can't express herself, she is a terrible grader, she is not engaging...she will call you the wrong name all semester, She doesn;t answer questions. She is by far one of the worst professors I;ve ever had
Please let me disagree. Burnham is not that bad and actually warmed up to the class as time went by. I was part of her first teaching class and it was rough the first few weeks. And it was difficult to understand how the concepts tied together in the end. Thank GOd for the TAs. Her evaluations are rough. And she doesn't know how to utilize the 2nd page that's only supposed to go to the students. But she was always available and open to helping me and my classmates. She's new. She's not NUSL touchy-feely. But not the worst. No not the worst.