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Much like the contracts reviews...I have to say he is definitely not a good professor, and possibly one of the worst at Northeastern. Although I understand the concept of tenure, how they can fire Rusty and not him just doesn't make sense. You may feel like Corporations is a class you need to take. Maybe so...but I still wouldn't take this if he's teaching it. You can teach yourself Corporations better than he can. And if you take this class, you will end up teaching yourself the subject anyway.
Phillips was definately a leading candidate for "worst professor of the year" honors when I had corporations with him. I feel like I learned corporations law in the week before the final exam with the assistance of study guides. Phillips was very bad about sticking with the syllabus and staying on schedule. Also, he seemed to enjoy making snide comments to some of my classmates. In short, this was an experience I wish I had not experienced. Hopefully, if you have to take Phillips, you will have a better time...but don't count on it.
He was the worst Professor I have ever had. Soooo boring. Can't teach, nobody pays atention to him. I stopped going to class and taught myself by the book. I NEVER do stuff like that. And I have never complained about a professor. Flat out though, avoid Phillips at al costs.
You'll love him or hate him and that's how it is with all of his classes. He's one of my favorites. I found him incredibly accessible by appointment and ALWAYS willing to answer questions on TWEN. He tries to be funny but fails miserably, likely due to the many snotty wannabe corporate attorneys that fill his classes. If you read and come to class you'll end up with a well rounded education that is very applicable to the practice of corporate law, or at least on my co-ops. He knows his stuff and presents it clearly. He successfully crams a lot into one quarter and constantly updates the course - unlike some professors who don't even bother giving us the most current law and regs.
I have to agree. How this guy ever got hired is beyond me. It blows my mind. To top it all off...he failed to pass in the course evaluations on time and they were not mailed out with the rest. Real professional.
And he turned in our evaluations late after mandating page limits for the exam answers too. Go figure.