Wireless 89

Okay, I lied. One more blog entry—but only because the honeymoon hasn’t started yet.

We’re currently driving down Route 89 in New Hampshire on the way to our wedding in Vermont, with our friends (Greg, Dylan, Ken, Nirmal, and Steve—all five GNU/Linux users) in the car behind us. When we stopped at the New Hampshire liquor store (famous for cheap, tax free alcohol), we decided to set up an ad hoc WiFi network between the cars with essid ‘wedding’. I had just copied my 60 gigabytes or so of music to my laptop for the trip, so now as we drive up Route 89 I’ve set up a server so they can listen to whatever interests them.

And this area doesn’t even get cell phone service, so the only way we can communicate between the cars is SMTP. Actually, it turns out it was more efficient to set up an ssh account for the other car on my laptop so we can use ytalk locally on my laptop.

Radio Silence

I haven’t been blogging for the past couple of weeks, and won’t for the next couple of weeks either, so here’s a quick life update and explanation for the radio silence.

In the last week, I’ve gotten a post-graduation job at an intellectual property firm, Wolf, Greenfield, and Sacks; I graduate from Northeastern Law School tomorrow morning; I’m going to sign the papers to buy a house in Roslindale tonight and finish up the mortgage bureaucracy tomorrow morning (during my graduation, I guess); I’m getting married on Sunday, followed by a weeklong honeymoon (during which I have covenanted not to use the Internet!).

And those are just the life-changes that are publicly-disclosable. It’s been a busy time.

Left Wing Federal Judge

Here’s the latest salvo from the Christian Coalition. I was trying to think up some witty commentary on this, but I think it’s funny enough without any exegesis:

On Thursday, a left-wing federal judge in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro, declined to grant an emergency stay on homosexual “marriages” set to begin in Massachusetts on Monday, May 17th. Matthew Staver, who is one of the attorneys representing 11 Massachusetts lawmakers and a Catholic activist said regarding the federal judge’s decision: “We will appeal this case as far as necessary to ensure that the separation-of-powers principle is upheld in Massachusetts. The Republican form of government must be restored so the people can have a chance to define marriage”. Four Justices on the Massachusetts Supreme Court led by ultra-liberal Chief Justice Margaret Marshall in a 4-3 decision, tyrannically overstepped its authority as it unilaterally redefined marriage law to allow homosexual “marriages” in its November 18, 2003 Goodridge decision. Massachusetts Episcopal Bishop Thomas Shaw, leader of one of the most liberal Episcopal dioceses in the country, actually is banning his diocese clergy from solemnizing homosexual “marriages” stating that “…marriage in the Episcopal Church is between a man and a woman”. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-225-3121 or you can go to http://www.cc.org/legis/contactcongress.html and urge your Congressman and two Senators to co-sponsor the Federal Marriage Amendment that will finally help stop the judicial tyranny in America.

Nice use of adjectives, at least.


Here is my Hackergotchi. I’ve never been too adept at The Gimp, but I think it’s not too bad, right? The real problem is that it’s hard to have a beard and a proper drop-shadow. Maybe if I lightened up my beard a bit so the shadow is more obvious… (probably won’t look quite right in Internet Explorer, which still can’t render transparent PNGs properly).

Eight Hundred Fifteen Dollars

Having to pay $815 to take the Massachusetts Bar Exam is a little like having to pay Information Retrieval Charges:

“I understand this concern on behalf of the taxpayers. People want value for money. That’s why we always insist on the principal of Information Retrieval charges. It’s absolutely right and fair that those found guilty should pay for their periods of detention and the Information Retrieval procedures used in their interrogations.”

(cf. Brazil)