Windows Tool of the Century

Okay, maybe “century” is overblown, but the True X-Mouse Gizmo for Windows is the best thing since sliced bread (if you use Windows):

Have you ever paid attention to striking difference in the thickness of forefingers in X11/Unix and MS Windows users, respectively? The latter have much more muscular forefingers that often suffer from chronic aches in their joints. They also much more often develop mouse arm, pain in the neck and shoulders, and other troubles known as Repetitive Stress Syndrome and associated with excessive usage of a pointing device. Why?

The Gizmo even solves the classic X copy/paste buffer problem where you want to select text to paste the contents of your copy buffer over it, only to replace your copy buffer with the newly selected text. Linux could use such a solution, as well!


  1. Steve Laniel Jun 18

    This recent Windows thing of yours is making the baby Linus cry.

  2. Sebastian Jun 19

    I used it to on my working place PC, but it makes some apps crash or behave very badly (e.g. older Lotus Notes versions which we still use)… I am really sad not to be able to use TXMouse :(

  3. Igor Stirbu Jun 19

    You might like WinMover
    I’d bet for WinMover to be the Windows Tool of the Century.

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