The Christian Coalition

I subscribe to a fair number of right wing mailing lists, for the most part to keep tabs on these organizations.

The funniest emails come from the Christian Coalition, which has clearly gone down hill since Pat Robertson left its helm. Half the messages I receive are spam for telecommunications services that give a kickback to the organization.

Today’s missive got to me, though. It purports to be a “survey” of Coalition members, with the following questions:

  1. Do you believe that Islam is a divine religion?
  2. How much do you know about the Koran?
  3. Do Christians in Islamic countries have the same freedom Muslims have in America?
  4. Is Islam a religion of peace?
  5. Do you support a war with Iraq?

Although there’s much to criticize in this survey, the question that bothers me the most is #3. First, because it seems to assume that the United States is a “Christian” country, without straight out saying so. Obviously, this would be the Christian Coalition’s preference. But it sure makes me feel left out. It also just seems like such an inapposite comparison. It might be better to ask whether Muslims in Islamic countries have the same freedom Muslims have in America. Or maybe Christians in Islamic countries vs. black men in America. Or maybe it’s just a dumb question, period.

More importantly, though, is the religious warmongering behind all of it. I suppose if Pope Urban II were alive today and needed to initiate the Crusades, he would probably circulate a survey along these lines rather than preaching an inflammatory sermon.

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