CAT5 Cable Trouble

I often have questions that don’t really belong in any particular forum and that aren’t readily answered by googling. I’ve decided to try fishing for answers in my weblog, to see if any of you have ideas.

So my first question is: has anyone found a method to stop the tabs at the end of CAT5 network cable from breaking? I carry a network cable with me everywhere, and inevitably the tabs break off every month or two from getting pushed the wrong way or simple wear and tear. It’s not that the cables are that expensive, but it just seems silly to keep going through them like this. So I’m wondering if anyone has come up with a brilliant home remedy to fix this problem.

If you don’t have a solution, you could at least sympathize with me if you also experience this problem.


  1. Ian Westcott Jan 28

    I don’t travel much, or handle a lot of cat5 on a day-to-day basis, but most of the cable I see nowadays comes with some sort of rubber protector on the ends to keep it from breaking. If that’s not doing the trick, might I suggest some masking tape?

  2. Steve Laniel Jan 28

    How about putting them inside a bag? A rigid bag, such as the sort in which people put their shaving kit, would presumably stop most tab-breaking contact with the cable.

  3. me Jan 28

    Get 2 CAT5 sockets from a old mobo or hub and use them to protect the two endings.

  4. Casper Gielen Jan 28

    Wrap the ends in _cheap_ tape, but keep it loose. You don’t want it to tight, otherwise the tab won’t lock anymore. That’s why you want to use cheap tape. Good tape will keep sticky for to long. This will prevent the tabs getting stuck behind something, which is the usual reason for breackages.

  5. Anonymous Jan 28

    I sympathize

  6. UG Jan 28

    I agree that wrapping the ends in tape would do the trick. Try Paris Hilton’s tape.

  7. Fragola Solaris Jan 28

    shut up!!!!

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