Filed under Technology by adam | November 14, 2009 | 7680 hits | 3 comments
Not bad!
Consistently? Even during peak times of day?
What plan do you have?
…and now you start running into limitations in DOCSIS to go get more downstream than that on cable.
I have the plan advertised as 22Mbps down/8 Mbps up. So far I have been getting those speeds consistently with the new DOCSIS 3.0 modem.
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Anonymous Nov 14
Consistently? Even during peak times of day?
What plan do you have?
Paul Johnson Nov 14
…and now you start running into limitations in DOCSIS to go get more downstream than that on cable.
adam Nov 14
I have the plan advertised as 22Mbps down/8 Mbps up. So far I have been getting those speeds consistently with the new DOCSIS 3.0 modem.