
Unfortunately, this script no longer works. EMusic has switched to an encrypted RMP format. I’m leaving this script here in case it is ever useful for another project.

Update 10/1/03: Someone has written a very nice perl script that works with the new encrypted EMP file format, called decrypt-emp. Get it now!

 #!/usr/bin/perl # fetchrmp.pl - a quick-n-dirty script for parsing EMusic RMP data and # fetching entire albums. Requires an EMusic.com subscription. :-) # AUTHOR: Doran Barton  # Modifications: Adam Kessel  # VERSION 0.9 # Copyright (c) 2002 Doran Barton. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2003 Adam Kessel. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. my $VERSION = 0.91; use strict; use XML::EasyOBJ; use LWP::Simple; use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use File::Copy; Getopt::Long::config("no_ignore_case"); my ($opt_help, $opt_destdir, $opt_rmpfile, $opt_folders, $opt_play, $opt_art); my $error = &GetOptions('help' => \$opt_help, 'destdir:s' => \$opt_destdir, 'rmpfile:s' => \$opt_rmpfile, 'folders' => \$opt_folders, 'art' => \$opt_art, 'play:s' => \$opt_play); if($opt_help) { exit _usage(); } if(!$opt_rmpfile) { print STDERR "ERROR: An RMP data file is required (with the --rmpfile parameter)\n\n"; exit _usage(); } if(!$opt_destdir) { $opt_destdir = "."; } if(defined $opt_play) { unless ($opt_play) { $opt_play = 'mpg321 -o oss'; } } $opt_destdir =~ s</$><>; # Trim any trailing /'s from destination dir my $doc = new XML::EasyOBJ($opt_rmpfile); my $server = $doc->SERVER(0)->NETNAME(0)->getString; my @elements = $doc->TRACKLIST(0)->TRACK; my $track_num = 1; my ($track, $url, $track_number, $genre, $artist, $album, $current_track); my ($album_art, $lowergenre, $lowerartist, $loweralbum); foreach $track (@elements) { $url = sprintf("http://%s/%s/%s", $server, $track->TRACKID->getString, $track->FILENAME->getString); $current_track = $track->FILENAME->getString; $current_track =~ tr/A-Z /a-z_/; $current_track =~ s/[^a-z0-9_\-\.]//g; print STDERR "Getting ", $current_track, "... "; if ($opt_folders or $opt_art) { $genre = $track->GENRE->getString || ""; $artist = $track->ARTIST->getString || ""; $album = $track->ALBUM->getString || ""; $album_art = $track->ALBUMART->getString || ""; $loweralbum = $album; $loweralbum =~ tr/A-Z /a-z_/; $loweralbum =~ s/[^a-z0-9_\-]//g; $album =~ tr/ /_/; $album =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]//g; $lowergenre = $genre; $lowergenre =~ tr/A-Z /a-z_/; $lowergenre =~ s/:.*//; $lowergenre =~ s/[^a-z0-9_\-]//g; $lowerartist = $artist; $lowerartist =~ tr/A-Z /a-z_/; $lowerartist =~ s/[^a-z0-9_\-]//g; $artist =~ tr/ /_/; $artist =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]//g; $track_number = $track_num++; $track_number =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/; } my $rv = getstore($url, $current_track); if($rv == 200) { print STDERR "OK\n"; if ($opt_folders) { mkpath("$opt_destdir/$lowergenre/$lowerartist/$loweralbum"); move($current_track,"$opt_destdir/$lowergenre/$lowerartist/$loweralbum/$artist---$album---$track_number---$current_track"); } } else { print STDERR "FAILED\n"; } } if ($opt_art) { if ($album_art) { my $rv = getstore($album_art,"$loweralbum.jpg"); if($rv == 200) { print STDERR "Art download OK\n"; if ($opt_folders) { move("$loweralbum.jpg","$opt_destdir/$lowergenre/$lowerartist/$loweralbum"); } } else { print STDERR "Art download failed\n"; } } } if ($opt_play) { if ($opt_folders) { chdir "$opt_destdir/$lowergenre/$lowerartist/$loweralbum"; } `$opt_play *mp3`; } sub _usage { print STDERR "This is $0 version $VERSION\n", "Usage: $0 --help \n", " or: $0 [--destdir DIR] --rmpfile FILE [--folders] [--play [mpeg player]] [--art]\n\n", "--folders puts track in folder hierarchy based on genre, album, and artist under destdir (or current directory if not specified)\n", "--play plays music when done downloading with specified command line (or mpg321 -o oss if not specified)\n", "--art downloads the album art if available and places it with the music\n\n", "Copyright (c) 2002 Doran Barton. All rights reserved. Modifications copyright (c) 2003 Adam Kessel.\n", "This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it\n", "under the same terms as Perl itself.\n"; return 1; } 

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