Wireless 89

Okay, I lied. One more blog entry—but only because the honeymoon hasn’t started yet.

We’re currently driving down Route 89 in New Hampshire on the way to our wedding in Vermont, with our friends (Greg, Dylan, Ken, Nirmal, and Steve—all five GNU/Linux users) in the car behind us. When we stopped at the New Hampshire liquor store (famous for cheap, tax free alcohol), we decided to set up an ad hoc WiFi network between the cars with essid ‘wedding’. I had just copied my 60 gigabytes or so of music to my laptop for the trip, so now as we drive up Route 89 I’ve set up a server so they can listen to whatever interests them.

And this area doesn’t even get cell phone service, so the only way we can communicate between the cars is SMTP. Actually, it turns out it was more efficient to set up an ssh account for the other car on my laptop so we can use ytalk locally on my laptop.