Lexis Update
I’ve been working to get the Lexis-Nexis online legal research system to generate valid HTML so the service works with browsers other than Microsoft’s. Back in April, Lexis promised the fix was imminent. About a month ago, I wrote them back explaining that they had fixed it for users who spoofed their browser agent as Netscape, but not Mozilla (or for Netscape users on GNU/Linux). I got no response, so wrote them back yet again more recently.
Finally, they’ve “fixed” it for the Mozilla browser. Here’s the response they gave me:
Thank you for your continued contribution regarding these issues. Rest assured that your feedback is received and considered. Following the August release the Tab issue was corrected for the Mozilla Browser. A user should not have to "spoof" NS to get Mozilla to function properly regarding the tabs. I also checked Opera and the tabs are all working on that browser as well. Both Opera and Mozilla combined comprise less than one half of one half a percent of user access for lexis.com. Linux currently comprises .06% of OS access to lexis.com. While we try to address usability and functional issues that effect our customers, there is an analysis involved regarding cost of fix v. benefit returned. The Linux OS, as well as the Mozilla and Opera browsers, are not included in our testing programs at this time due to their low use. When issues are subsequently discovered we examine them on a case by case basis to determine feasibility and cost of implementation. Thank you again for taking the time to contact us and for using LexisNexis.
lexis.com product management
All I was asking for was to have the
More fundamentally, if these companies adhered (at least generally) to the HTML standard (any version!) then many of these problems would go away. The whole point of standards is to reduce development costs; you shouldn’t need to test your product on one hunderd and one different browsers. If it passes an HTML validator test, then you can call it a day.
This whole episode also hammered in for me yet again the advantages of open source development. If there’s a problem and the developer refuses to fix it, then you can do it yourself. With a proprietary system like Lexis-Nexis, you’re at their mercy, and even a one minute fix won’t make it in if it’s not on their agenda.
The Christian Coalition is Going Downhill
I try to keep myself subscribed to a wide variety of right wing mailing lists to see what they’re all up to (the left wing mailing lists tend to tell me what I already know).
I’m afraid the Christian Coalition is really going downhill. Here’s their latest missive:
Your Everyday Spending Will Substantially Help The Christian Coalition At No Cost To You !!!!
Dear Christian,
We gratefully appreciate your support, and would like to introduce you to a very powerful program, called SharingCertificates. We have partnered with SharingCertificates.com, which allows you to purchase gift certificates to hundreds of stores, theaters, restaurants, hotels and more, that we all shop at everyday.
You simply purchase gift certificates to your favorite stores, like Macy’s, T.J.Maxx, The Gap, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Marriott Hotels, to name a few. Each gift certificate you purchase will bring a generous donation to the Christian Coalition.
We realize there are many of you who would like to help, but do not have the resources to send a gift monthly, but we all shop, go to restaurants, stay at hotels, etc..The SharingCertificates program was developed to enable us to support God’s work at NO COST to you. Giving Through Spending – AT NO COST TO YOU !!!!!!!!
It’s Just Good Stewardship
The SharingCertificates Program takes just a few minutes of your time monthly. You simply log on to www.sharingcertificates.com., go to the merchant list, find the merchants you normally use or intend to use, then purchase them immediately online. IT’S THAT EASY!!!!!!!!
On average, families typically commit to purchase $200/$300 monthly. While some will do less, many can do much more. We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting His work for the Family with a monthly commitment to the SharingCertificates Program.
Your participation in the SharingCertificates program will provide the Christian Coalition with additional funds that will make us far more effective in the culture war, returning this great country to the family values that we hold so dear. Thank you for your consideration.
In His Service,
Roberta Combs
President The Christian Coalition
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