Filed under The Web by adam | February 1, 2007 | 5405 hits | 3 comments
Via rajbot, this amazing CLI-themed WordPress blog. I wish I had that kind of time on my hands.
That is great. I presume a lot of people were like me and typed ‘ls’ right away, thereby getting a very long list of posts. I was really pleased to see that the blog traps Ctrl+C and interrupts the ls output with it. That’s really slick.
I had CLI theme :) But, its bad if you consider usability!
.. And by co-incidence we both are using same Water-1.0 theme!!!
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Steve Laniel Feb 1
That is great. I presume a lot of people were like me and typed ‘ls’ right away, thereby getting a very long list of posts. I was really pleased to see that the blog traps Ctrl+C and interrupts the ls output with it. That’s really slick.
Kartik Mistry Feb 2
I had CLI theme :) But, its bad if you consider usability!
Kartik Mistry Feb 2
.. And by co-incidence we both are using same Water-1.0 theme!!!