- Why They’re Wrong About Critical Mass: this essay was included in Critical Mass: Bicycling’s Defiant Celebration [Powell’s Books], published by AK Press. I recommend the book to velorutionaries and their allies; it’s funny that Powell’s categorizes it in “Sports and Fitness-Bicycling” as well as “General”.
Updated: April 16, 2002 - Moral Reasoning in Constitutional Interpretation: This essay, written for a Constitutional Law class, responds to a question about the proper role of judicial moral reasoning in a case where a terminally ill patient, Mr. Cohen, is challenging the constitutionality of a State prohibition on medical marijuana use. For the purposes of this question, I ignore federal drug law and any issues of federalism or conflict-of-laws. Also available as a PDF (available soon)
Updated: April 15, 2002 - Alternative Dispute Resolution in International Intellectual Property: I wrote this paper for a seminar on mediation, addressing some of the shortcomings of alternative dispute resolution procedures when intellectual property is involved. See also PDF (available soon)
Updated: August 16, 2002 - Personal Statement of Purpose: My response to an alumni scholarship application, “Describe how you plan to use your legal skills to promote progressive social movements, systemic change, or solutions that address the root causes of social and economic injustice.”
Updated: January 22, 2003