Filed under Boston, Life by adam | March 12, 2007 | 0 comments
Rachele is developing a restaurant critic section of her nascent blog. The latest victim: Salute.
Tonight we couldn’t have been more disappointed. The bread was cold, the pizza crust was now a soft, perfectly round, plate size pizza with American style sauce and cheese. (We could have done better at Romano’s down the street). And the lasagne, despite our previous server’s promise, was not the same one. It was an American style lasagne that anyone could have made at home. (I would have made sure it was cooked all the way through as well.)
On the other hand, I thought my pumpkin ravioli was decent.
Filed under The Web by adam | March 5, 2007 | 0 comments
In case anyone is relying on me to point them to the funniest episodes of The Show with Zefrank, this (today’s) is one, especially if you spend any time on Friendster or that odd new generation (when I was young, we had a public_html directory, and we knew how to set permissions on it! I also truthfully walked nearly a mile in freezing weather and snow uphill to get to the school bus).
Apparently, The Show will be done for good in just under two weeks. Who knows where all the fans will go?
Filed under Environment by adam | March 5, 2007 | 2 comments
This map from Wikipedia, illustrating global participation in the Kyoto Protocol, is an effective graphic:
Green = signed and ratified; yellow = signed, ratification pending; red = signed, ratification declined.
(entire article)
Filed under The Web by adam | March 1, 2007 | 0 comments