Filed under Culture, Film, Music, The Web by adam | March 19, 2007 | 5207 hits | 4 comments
A reason to love YouTube: Chaiyya Chaiyya.
[Tags]Bollywood, Youtube[/Tags]
I might tag that “mildly unsafe for work,” what with all the shaking and the independently-pilotable chestal areas and so forth.
Why must Indian women have such an effect on me, I ask.
A friend of mine saw it about 5 times after I showed it to her in Dec. And that too at work :p
And now DDs love bollywood? WoW!
It is a nice surprise to see Dilse’s song on Debian Planet. It is fun to see what others think about Indian movie songs… BTW, I am from India.
The head shaking SO calls for a “what is love” remix…
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Steve Laniel Mar 19
I might tag that “mildly unsafe for work,” what with all the shaking and the independently-pilotable chestal areas and so forth.
Why must Indian women have such an effect on me, I ask.
KDS Mar 19
A friend of mine saw it about 5 times after I showed it to her in Dec. And that too at work :p
And now DDs love bollywood? WoW!
Kamaraju Kusumanchi Mar 20
It is a nice surprise to see Dilse’s song on Debian Planet. It is fun to see what others think about Indian movie songs… BTW, I am from India.
me Mar 21
The head shaking SO calls for a “what is love” remix…